Real estate agent earnings by seniority

Approximate values based on highest and lowest earning segments.

Real estate agent salary by state

State Name Average Salary
Alaska $70,267
Alabama $51,250
Arkansas $32,725
Arizona $50,640
California $59,420
Colorado $60,990
Connecticut $38,580
District of Columbia $45,800
Delaware $43,940
Florida $58,730
Georgia $44,500
Hawaii $64,940
Iowa $52,138
Idaho $57,674
Illinois $51,155
Indiana $48,562
Kansas $48,090
Kentucky $46,162
Louisiana $35,860
Massachusetts $58,760
Maryland $57,450
Maine $46,500
Michigan $46,160
Minnesota $40,870
Missouri $48,920
Mississippi $46,380
Montana $44,300
North Carolina $59,920
North Dakota $64,090
Nebraska $43,610
New Hampshire $46,930
New Jersey $51,400
New Mexico $49,540
Nevada $47,480
New York $116,460
Ohio $35,190
Oklahoma $42,290
Oregon $49,162
Pennsylvania $54,770
Puerto Rico $62,640
Rhode Island $65,680
South Carolina $42,160
South Dakota $56,860
Tennessee $51,100
Texas $69,594
Utah $51,710
Virginia $49,690
Vermont $56,380
Washington $54,630
Wisconsin $41,080
West Virginia $63,690
Wyoming $71,430

How much does a Real Estate Agent earn?

How much agents make depends on the number of transactions they complete, the commission paid to the brokerage, and their split with the sponsoring broker. It is very hard to make money as a real estate agent right away. Most first-year real estate agents earn very little at first, primarily because they are struggling to learn everything while they build a client base. Agents who are just starting out typically receive a low commission split while they learn the business (it is not unusual for a first-year agent to make about 50% of the commission paid to the broker).

Being a real estate agent is like running a business. It takes time and a lot of effort to build up a business. In the beginning, you have to work hard and get out of your comfort zone. Once you build up the business and get clients, business will come to you and you will not have to put as much effort into the business.

There are almost one million real estate agents in the United States. Income statistics can be very misleading because there are many part-time agents. The median income for a full-time real estate agent in 2012 was over $54,000. The median income is over $87,000 a year for those who work more than 60 hours per week. More than 21 percent of realtors make over $100,000 a year, which shows realtors can make a lot of money when they work full-time and have a plan.

Top producers earn a lot more than the average real estate agent. Each real estate office sets its own standards for top producers, but it's probably safe to say that a top producer would need to sell at least one home a month to qualify. Mega-stars earn $200,000 per year and up.

How do real estate agent salaries compare to similar careers?

Real estate agents earn about the same as related careers in the United States. On average, they make less than american sign language interpreters but more than embalmers.

Career Median Salary
American sign language interpreter salary $52K
Funeral director salary $54K
Interior designer salary $53K
Probation officer salary $55K
Clergy salary $51K
Real estate agent salary $49K
Firefighter salary $49K
Social worker salary $49K
Private detective salary $51K
Embalmer salary $48K

Source: CareerExplorer (Aggregated)