Scientist earnings by seniority

Approximate values based on highest and lowest earning segments.

Scientist salary by state

State Name Average Salary
Alaska $81,231
Alabama $70,051
Arkansas $64,947
Arizona $74,734
California $44,960
Colorado $80,514
Connecticut $86,938
District of Columbia $101,742
Delaware $84,106
Florida $73,608
Georgia $74,328
Guam $72,445
Hawaii $79,417
Iowa $69,412
Idaho $69,762
Illinois $77,949
Indiana $65,851
Kansas $63,762
Kentucky $63,999
Louisiana $67,341
Massachusetts $83,691
Maryland $94,553
Maine $67,110
Michigan $73,762
Minnesota $72,879
Missouri $66,306
Mississippi $72,771
Montana $68,654
North Carolina $72,356
North Dakota $70,845
Nebraska $70,811
New Hampshire $82,421
New Jersey $87,997
New Mexico $77,603
Nevada $77,402
New York $81,407
Ohio $73,383
Oklahoma $75,474
Oregon $74,174
Pennsylvania $77,837
Puerto Rico $54,194
Rhode Island $79,724
South Carolina $68,702
South Dakota $59,719
Tennessee $69,271
Texas $74,130
Utah $69,106
Virginia $81,690
Vermont $68,737
Washington $77,513
Wisconsin $68,510
West Virginia $64,497
Wyoming $69,311

How do scientist salaries compare to similar careers?

Scientists earn about the same as related careers in the United States. On average, they make less than chemists but more than historians.

Career Median Salary
Chemist salary $72K
Climate change analyst salary $71K
Industrial ecologist salary $71K
Environmental restoration planner salary $71K
Environmental consultant salary $71K
Scientist salary $70K
Biologist salary $69K
Food science technologist salary $69K
Soil and plant scientist salary $63K
Historian salary $64K

Source: CareerExplorer (Aggregated)