Nurse anesthetist earnings by seniority

Approximate values based on highest and lowest earning segments.

Nurse anesthetist salary by state

State Name Average Salary
Alaska $184,740
Alabama $160,480
Arkansas $161,550
Arizona $148,780
California $197,640
Colorado $175,710
Connecticut $181,410
District of Columbia $161,650
Delaware $169,140
Florida $154,360
Georgia $146,460
Hawaii $189,030
Iowa $193,490
Idaho $147,960
Illinois $186,560
Indiana $153,350
Kansas $159,600
Kentucky $158,770
Louisiana $155,780
Massachusetts $182,550
Maryland $189,060
Maine $161,800
Michigan $188,190
Minnesota $184,330
Missouri $153,610
Mississippi $166,390
Montana $246,370
North Carolina $169,300
North Dakota $190,880
Nebraska $187,000
New Hampshire $160,520
New Jersey $176,920
New Mexico $179,040
Nevada $155,790
New York $177,100
Ohio $158,900
Oklahoma $170,390
Oregon $184,300
Pennsylvania $162,560
Puerto Rico $57,280
South Carolina $164,190
South Dakota $186,450
Tennessee $150,780
Texas $159,670
Utah $156,810
Virginia $187,640
Washington $186,000
Wisconsin $194,750
West Virginia $177,490
Wyoming $206,020

How much does a Nurse Anesthetist earn?

According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, there is a considerable and huge requirement for CRNAs all over the country. This is majorly because of the boost in the demand of health care services by people of all age groups, the accessibility of care to the masses, and the technological advancements and growth.

Anesthesia care is among the most lucrative nursing specialties. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics 2016-17 Occupational Outlook Handbook, the median national annual salary for CRNAs is $153,780.

Actual salaries may vary greatly based on a variety of factors. Nurse anesthetists work in a variety of settings, from hospitals to pain clinics, and each type of employer pays a different salary. RNs, which includes CRNAs, in hospitals tend to make higher nurse anesthetist salaries than those who work in nursing homes.

The more nursing education an individual has received, the more they increase their nursing salary potential. Nurse anesthetists, who must hold a master's degree and specialized certification to practice, earn some of the highest nursing salaries of any practice area. And as one might expect, a nurse anesthetist's salary goes up as they gain more years of experience as a practicing registered nurse.

The top paying states for nurse anesthetists are:
Nevada - $221,240
Wisconsin - $200,350
Wyoming - $197,310
Maryland - $196,690
District of Columbia - $187,200

How do nurse anesthetist salaries compare to similar careers?

Nurse anesthetists earn 29% more than similar careers in Florida. On average, they make less than occupational physicians but more than anesthesiologist assistants.

Career Median Salary
Occupational physician salary $198K
Nurse anesthetist salary $154K
Pharmacist salary $123K
Health services manager salary $96K
Physician assistant salary $104K
Anesthesiologist assistant salary $104K

Source: CareerExplorer (Aggregated)