Make-Up artist earnings by seniority

Approximate values based on highest and lowest earning segments.

Make-Up artist salary by state

State Name Average Salary
California $72,160
District of Columbia $86,060
Florida $68,770
Georgia $58,000
Hawaii $47,720
Louisiana $28,620
New Jersey $41,000
Nevada $23,730
New York $64,760
Pennsylvania $45,350
Puerto Rico $38,610
Tennessee $77,560
Texas $42,550

How do make-up artist salaries compare to similar careers?

Make-Up artists earn about the same as related careers in Puerto Rico. On average, they make less than camera operators but more than recruiters.

Career Median Salary
Camera operator salary $44K
Energy auditor salary $35K
Underwriter salary $38K
Interior designer salary $41K
Private detective salary $37K
Make-Up artist salary $39K
Librarian salary $37K
Urban planner salary $34K
Arbitrator salary $36K
Recruiter salary $32K

Source: CareerExplorer (Aggregated)