Interior designer earnings by seniority

Approximate values based on highest and lowest earning segments.

Interior designer salary by state

State Name Average Salary
Alaska $71,410
Alabama $47,274
Arkansas $62,970
Arizona $46,480
California $60,360
Colorado $47,580
Connecticut $48,380
District of Columbia $73,010
Delaware $59,870
Florida $46,750
Georgia $48,730
Hawaii $66,370
Iowa $45,015
Idaho $54,380
Illinois $52,150
Indiana $41,243
Kansas $54,258
Kentucky $52,590
Louisiana $37,630
Massachusetts $62,840
Maryland $58,290
Maine $49,430
Michigan $46,320
Minnesota $56,410
Missouri $52,160
Mississippi $40,480
Montana $58,220
North Carolina $51,270
North Dakota $46,140
Nebraska $44,690
New Hampshire $50,860
New Jersey $57,980
New Mexico $47,340
Nevada $54,670
New York $62,760
Ohio $51,050
Oklahoma $45,680
Oregon $52,600
Pennsylvania $51,686
Puerto Rico $40,680
Rhode Island $70,010
South Carolina $42,780
South Dakota $46,700
Tennessee $45,910
Texas $51,630
Utah $49,300
Virginia $50,380
Vermont $48,580
Washington $59,680
Wisconsin $46,060
West Virginia $44,010
Wyoming $57,040

How do interior designer salaries compare to similar careers?

Interior designers earn about the same as related careers in Michigan. On average, they make less than private detectives but more than substance abuse social workers.

Career Median Salary
Private detective salary $51K
Correctional officer salary $56K
Real estate agent salary $46K
Librarian salary $50K
Landscaper salary $48K
Interior designer salary $46K
Computer repair technician salary $47K
Family social worker salary $50K
Exhibit designer salary $46K
Substance abuse social worker salary $50K

Source: CareerExplorer (Aggregated)