Fashion designer earnings by seniority

Approximate values based on highest and lowest earning segments.

Fashion designer salary by state

State Name Average Salary
Alabama $73,730
Arkansas $59,490
California $78,680
Colorado $61,440
Connecticut $67,070
Florida $48,750
Georgia $66,500
Hawaii $41,330
Idaho $51,790
Kansas $65,490
Kentucky $53,530
Massachusetts $70,770
Maryland $52,290
Maine $72,940
Michigan $57,710
Minnesota $51,760
Missouri $33,320
North Carolina $67,200
New Jersey $59,470
New Mexico $58,870
New York $79,110
Oregon $67,810
Pennsylvania $48,555
South Carolina $49,130
Texas $66,110
Utah $36,680
Virginia $41,260
Vermont $66,810
Washington $61,340
Wisconsin $39,040

How do fashion designer salaries compare to similar careers?

Fashion designers earn about the same as related careers in Washington. On average, they make less than urban planners but more than costume attendants.

Career Median Salary
Urban planner salary $81K
Architect salary $75K
Film director salary $64K
Filmmaker salary $64K
Film and video editor salary $61K
Fashion designer salary $61K
Camera operator salary $64K
Interior designer salary $60K
Graphic designer salary $58K
Costume attendant salary $49K

Source: CareerExplorer (Aggregated)