The average wage for a costume attendant in the United States is around $19.91 per hour.
Avg Wage
Costume attendants earn an average hourly wage of $19.91.
Salaries typically start from $11.72 per hour and go up to $42.20 per hour.
26% below national average Updated in 2019
Costume attendant earnings by seniority
Approximate values based on highest and lowest earning segments.
Costume attendant salary by state
State Name | Average Salary |
Alabama | $34,440 |
Arizona | $31,020 |
California | $43,260 |
Colorado | $39,090 |
Connecticut | $36,830 |
District of Columbia | $39,630 |
Florida | $40,890 |
Georgia | $37,090 |
Hawaii | $42,220 |
Illinois | $42,970 |
Indiana | $38,220 |
Kentucky | $54,260 |
Louisiana | $30,060 |
Massachusetts | $45,340 |
Maryland | $43,410 |
Michigan | $38,910 |
Minnesota | $38,870 |
Missouri | $30,370 |
North Carolina | $30,440 |
New Jersey | $20,240 |
New Mexico | $57,430 |
Nevada | $48,990 |
New York | $59,200 |
Ohio | $35,250 |
Oklahoma | $26,540 |
Oregon | $37,660 |
Pennsylvania | $44,400 |
South Carolina | $25,520 |
Tennessee | $22,910 |
Texas | $34,590 |
Utah | $26,310 |
Virginia | $25,980 |
Washington | $48,660 |
Wisconsin | $30,540 |
How do costume attendant salaries compare to similar careers?
Costume attendants earn 8% less than similar careers in the United States. On average, they make less than music artists but more than tailors.
Career | Median Salary |
Music artist salary | $63K |
Fashion designer salary | $69K |
Conductor salary | $52K |
Choreographer salary | $46K |
Actor salary | $42K |
Costume attendant salary | $41K |
Dancer salary | $37K |
Announcer salary | $34K |
Aesthetician salary | $34K |
Tailor salary | $32K |
Source: CareerExplorer (Aggregated)