Ambulance dispatcher earnings by seniority

Approximate values based on highest and lowest earning segments.

Ambulance dispatcher salary by state

State Name Average Salary
Alaska $57,120
Alabama $30,700
Arkansas $27,693
Arizona $38,630
California $65,120
Colorado $48,850
Connecticut $56,324
District of Columbia $49,100
Delaware $44,810
Florida $38,930
Georgia $32,090
Hawaii $39,144
Iowa $47,680
Idaho $39,070
Illinois $48,716
Indiana $35,043
Kansas $34,530
Kentucky $35,660
Louisiana $31,090
Massachusetts $47,950
Maryland $46,290
Maine $40,630
Michigan $42,760
Minnesota $55,900
Missouri $35,650
Mississippi $26,010
Montana $39,000
North Carolina $35,190
North Dakota $43,240
Nebraska $36,400
New Hampshire $45,190
New Jersey $46,510
New Mexico $35,630
Nevada $51,680
New York $45,820
Ohio $44,510
Oklahoma $29,900
Oregon $55,790
Pennsylvania $40,418
Puerto Rico $18,490
Rhode Island $46,810
South Carolina $31,860
South Dakota $35,240
Tennessee $35,290
Texas $37,470
Utah $37,300
Virginia $37,490
Vermont $45,260
Washington $56,900
Wisconsin $44,730
West Virginia $28,890
Wyoming $40,830

How do ambulance dispatcher salaries compare to similar careers?

Ambulance dispatchers earn about the same as related careers in the United States. On average, they make less than locksmiths but more than postal service workers.

Career Median Salary
Locksmith salary $42K
Family social worker salary $42K
Travel agent salary $40K
Correctional officer salary $42K
Highway maintenance worker salary $41K
Ambulance dispatcher salary $40K
Financial clerk salary $39K
Maintenance worker salary $39K
Garbage collector salary $38K
Postal service worker salary $39K

Source: CareerExplorer (Aggregated)